Since my last post we have moved to part time cloth diapering. I went back to work last week and he started school and they will cloth diaper but since I'm still getting used to it, we are going to use disposables there.
1st week in school...

I've started to get the hang of the Moby Wrap. I really like the hug hold, and so does he... he falls asleep almost everytime!

Ben is now 8 weeks old, when he comes home from school we switch back to cloth, doesn't he look sooo cute in his Rumparooz cloth diaper I won!!

Just before I went back to work, Blaire and I met up for lunch and some shopping at the mall. Davis and Ben are getting sooo big!

Just to show you how much Ben has grown... this is Ben at 2 days old, while he was still in the hospital.

Now he's 2 months old (we'll find out just how much he weighs tomorrow)

He also hit a milestone last night! He slept from 11:30pm - 5:45am!! I feel so much more rested.
Here he is this morning when I dropped him off at school...

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