So my trip...
Saturday I drove down to FL. With a stop in Gainesville.

After a very short stop by the stadium and to pick up some food. I got back on the road to Brandon. I had to buy new running shoes. I left mine in Atlanta.
Sunday I got up and ran 7 miles then got ready and went to Wallaby Ranch (
Had a good time visiting with my dad's side of the family. Craig's dad and Carol joined me and Rich went up in a trike which is a motorized hang glider used for teaching.
Sunday night I returned to Brandon for some time with my mom's family. Rory is getting so big.
Monday I ran some errands and had lunch with my mom then I got on the road to Orlando. I got to Rich and Carol's and laid out for 30 minutes. It was all I could stand. Got showered and dressed and went to Christa's for a Pampered Chef party.
Tuesday was BEACH DAY after an hour run in the morning!! Rachel and I went to New Symrna and enjoyed the sun and waves. We even saw a few dolphins.

Wednesday Rich and I went over to our house and mowed the lawn and finished up a few things so the house is ready for the new renters. When we got back we loaded up my car with the desk and chairs and somehow we managed to fit everything in my car including the 9.5 foot desk top. I wish I had taken a picture of it because it was pretty funny how much stuff my CR-V had in it.
Craig and I have done the walk thru with our new house in Atlanta it is a quarter mile away in the same neighborhood. I started moving some stuff over there today.
Here are a few pics of the house before we start moving in.